Primal Fit Series 7 Band Workout 1

Primal Fitness

Front core Lift Open chain Pull Upper body
About this workout

Primal Fit likes to use different pieces of equipment to achieve goals, so in this workout we are using bands. Bands give a constant resistance throughout the movement. This is a workout for the upper body.

Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
1 Standing straight right arm pull over with rotation left 00:33
2 Standing straight left arm pull over with rotation right 00:33
3 10 second rest timer 00:09
4 Standing triceps pull downs right 00:32
5 Standing triceps pull downs left 00:32
6 Standing triceps pull downs 00:32
7 10 second rest timer 00:09
8 Standing front raise - right 00:32
9 Standing front raise - Left 00:31
10 Standing front raise 00:31
11 10 second rest timer 00:09
12 Standing straight arm pull down right 00:34
13 Standing straight arm pull down left 00:34
14 Standing straight arm pull down 00:33
15 10 second rest timer 00:09
16 Standing biceps curls right 00:32
17 Standing biceps curls left 00:32
18 Standing biceps curls 00:34