Life Fitness Corebag Workout

Primal Fitness

Closed chain Lower body Lunge Lunge away Right
About this workout

the Life Fitness Core-bag Workout is a Metabolic workout with minimal rest. Start with one round and as you get fitter and stronger add extra rounds and heavier Core-bags.
This workout has been designed to work your whole body in different planes of motion. The Core-bag adds extra elements to the workout involving weight and stability.

$39.99HKD month

Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
1 Frontal away lunge right 00:41
2 Frontal away lunge left 00:34
3 Rotational high pull 00:33
4 Lunge back right, internal rotation right with corebag 00:35
5 Overhead shoulder press from left to right with corebag 00:35
6 Squat, bicep curl & shoulder press with corebag 00:47
7 Squat, bicep curl swing with corebag 00:36
8 Woodchop high right low left with lunge back left 00:34
9 Squats with corebag 00:30