Dumbells & Bodyweight 1.1

Krissy Hartigan

Closed chain Lower body Squat Down Ankle
About this workout

$39.99HKD month

Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
1 Wide stance Squats 00:32
2 Shoulder raise forward alternate 00:32
3 Shoulder Press 00:32
4 Woodchop low left to high right 00:33
5 Woodchop low right to high left 00:33
6 Squat and shoulder press 00:34
7 alternating walking lunge with dumbell punches 00:36
8 Squat jumps with shoulder flys 00:36
9 Squat with left overhead dumbell press & internal rotation, with left knee raise 00:32
10 Squat with right overhead dumbell press & internal rotation, with right knee raise 00:30