Snatch complex

Charlie Knight

Closed chain Lift Press Squat Whole body
About this workout

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Exercises in this workout

Exercise Duration
1 Squat with overhead shoulder press 00:41
2 Squat with overhead press static hold 00:39
3 Squat with overhead shoulder press 00:41
4 Squat with overhead press static hold 00:39
5 Squat with overhead press static hold 00:39
6 Squat with overhead shoulder press 00:41
7 Squat jump upright row 00:32
8 Squat barbell forward sagittal spinal flexion 00:34
9 Squat jump upright row 00:32
10 Squat barbell forward sagittal spinal flexion 00:34
11 Squat jump upright row 00:32
12 Squat barbell forward sagittal spinal flexion 00:34
13 Heel raise to squat with overhead press 00:35
14 Heel raise to squat with overhead press 00:35
15 Heel raise to squat with overhead press 00:35
16 Snatch 00:36
17 Snatch 00:36
18 Snatch 00:36